The children will be taught the Languages Programme of Study for Key Stage Two as detailed in the National Curriculum for England. Units of work are arranged on a 2-year cycle over the four years of Key Stage Two. The Gates’ curriculum provides a balance of spoken and written language which enables pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing. Although French is a cross-curricular subject, children at The Gates Primary School are taught specific skills in dedicated MFL lessons by their class teachers, with support from the MFL Subject Leader. French is taught through a series of topics across KS2 to ensure a broad and balanced coverage of all objectives. Lessons are sequenced so that prior learning is considered and opportunities for revision of language and grammar are built in. The use of singing is a key feature in French lessons and this allows for better understanding and faster memorisation. Where possible, the teaching of MFL is linked to other areas of the curriculum, e.g. replying ‘Bonjour’ during registration or in routines to stand up, ‘Levez vous’ or sit down, ‘Asseyez-vous’. All pupils, regardless of race, gender or disability, have the opportunity to develop capability in French and we aim to ensure that every child is supported in accessing the MFL curriculum. Where appropriate, the class teacher will ensure weekly plans are adapted appropriately, with a focus on activities that increase a pupil’s understanding and communication. The teaching of MFL promotes inclusivity and diversity through its appreciation of other cultures and communities. Teachers will assess against key learning objectives on a termly basis. We encourage the children to share their experiences of visiting or living in other countries.