Intent Statement
At The Gates the key drivers in shaping our curriculum are the school’s vision and values.
We believe that children should experience excellent teaching and develop a deep love of learning. In delivering our curriculum we aim to remove any barriers to learning so that ALL children are able to make progress across the whole school curriculum. Our curriculum is bespoke to the needs of The Gates children and uses the National Curriculum as a starting point.
Together we aim to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. At The Gates there is a high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding which is embedded within the curriculum, alongside The Gates Golden Goals. The curriculum is enriched to build the cultural capital pupils require to succeed for all our children but in particular our disadvantaged and SEND pupils. Differences are celebrated and explored throughout school
The curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced allowing all pupils to further deepen their knowledge, skills and understanding in all aspects of learning. We want children to know more, remember more and consequently be able to do more. Retrieval practice is implemented in all lessons to ensure children embed knowledge and skills into long term memory; this has been strategically planned.
Our curriculum has been designed:
To ensure progression of knowledge, challenge and skills over time
To be exciting and diverse which gives all children the opportunity to develop a wide range of transferable skills to achieve the highest possible standards in all aspects of life while preparing them for the next stage in their education.
To ensure broad and balanced coverage each year for all subjects
To ensure that the social, moral, spiritual and cultural curriculum is rich and offers children many opportunities to raise questions, discuss important issues which are relevant to them, listen to others views and share their own thoughts
In designing our curriculum our aims were that it:
Raises aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement and provide a purpose and relevance for learning
Develops long term memory
Supports pupils in making connections
Builds on prior knowledge
Develops a detailed schemata
Encourages knowledgeable children
Supports children’s oracy skills
Promotes reading with fluency and understanding so children can access all subject areas
Promotes mentally and physically healthy children
Prepares global citizens
Creates lifelong learners
To ensure that our ambitious, bespoke curriculum is delivered to the highest standard The Gates has a clear strategic overview for curriculum implementation. All policies relating to the curriculum and teaching and learning support the ethos of the school and ensure that all learning is effective and well planned. Ensuring the children can read with fluency and understanding so they are able to access all subject areas takes high priority as does the focus on improving the children’s long-term memories. Subject knowledge, skills and concepts are taught as individual disciplines and English and mathematical skills are effectively promoted across all subjects.
We promote teaching which is based on high expectations, high standards and ensuring the teachers have sound subject knowledge is a priority. High Performance Learning enables all children to learn and secure the characteristics of an effective learner and this is delivered and achieved through The Gates Golden Goals. Our CPD programme enables training needs to be identified and provides all members of staff with high quality training.
We recognise that the key skills of reading, writing, oracy and numeracy are crucial in equipping our pupils with the necessary skills to live in modern Britain. We aim to ensure that all pupils will be confident, articulate and effective communicators by the time they leave our school. Keep up not catch up is a key mantra.
We enhance our curriculum by providing our pupils with a wide range of new and exciting learning experiences, known at The Gates Great Expectations, such as; visiting different places of worship, participating in school performances, visits to theatres and museums, sports tournaments and a wealth of extra-curricular clubs.
We take a creative approach to the curriculum; we want all our pupils to develop an ‘I can’ attitude towards their learning and a strong resilience to challenge by understanding the value of making mistakes.
We aim to make our pupils fully prepared for life as British and global citizens. We want them to be equipped to make positive choices in terms of their social interactions, health and personal wellbeing and we have a strong focus on ensuring the pupils are highly computer literate. Transition is carefully managed at every stage of development and we have very strong links with local providers including nurseries and our feeder secondary schools.