The Art curriculum at The Gates Primary has been carefully planned by the subject leader and has been based on the National Curriculum. The basis of the curriculum is the knowledge, skills and vocabulary that children need in order to progress effectively from their individual starting points. Elements of Art are taught through a two year cycle which ensures full coverage of the National Curriculum whilst allowing for cross curricular links to a range of subjects; including, but not limited to, Geography, History and Science. Art is taught in alternative half terms to Design Technology, this allows knowledge, skills and vocabulary to be strengthened and developed across both subjects.
Children are taught Art as part of their termly topic work. Elements of Art covered include sculpture, printing and collage with drawing and painting being taught individually and throughout the other elements. These elements of Art have carefully been thought out by the subject leader to allow for the best links to the other areas of the curriculum. Art provides a basis for other curriculum subjects to been seen in a creative, and often different, way. The children at The Gates are offered opportunities to explore and experience the topics they are learning in other subjects through the eyes of other artists, designers and craftspeople. For example, when learning about Ancient Egypt in History children will have opportunities to develop their Art skills taking inspiration from Ancient Egyptian craftspeople whilst developing their skills in sculpture work.
The medium term plans written by the subject leader provide teachers with a wealth of resources and support in order to plan and deliver sound knowledge, skills and vocabulary to every child. This ensures that all children, including children with SEND, achieve high standards taking into account their individual starting points. Each medium term plan ensures previous skills are recapped and developed allowing children to further their skills in each Art element. Opportunities to reflect and develop, including through the use of sketchbooks, and chances for self and peer-assessment are planned into each unit of study in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Each child will have their own sketchbook. We give the children ownership of their sketchbooks in order to foster their sense of creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develop skills, record ideas and develop opinions.
Assessment is an important part of the teaching of Art at The Gates. Opportunities are regularly planned throughout the unit for children to self assess the skills they are learning with ample opportunity or the teacher to know what each child has achieved. The final piece of artwork is a chance for each child to demonstrate the skills they have developed and apply these into their own creation. Teachers use these final pieces to assess the children’s ability and attainment. Data is analysed by the subject leader who can then put the correct support and training in order to allow all children to achieve.
Enrichment opportunities are carefully thought out and planned to ensure there are other opportunities for children to experience their learning in art in different contexts. Homework webs are planned half termly and each ensures that children have further opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills, at home, in their own creative way.