An appropriate range of teaching and learning strategies will be used in all science lessons alongside the highest of expectations, to capture pupils’ interest and to ensure most children reach the lesson end point. Teachers will use school’s medium term plans, supported by a wide range of teaching and learning resources, to develop the substantive and disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding of every child, ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, achieve high standards for their ability and make good progress from their starting points. Each new unit will start by recapping prior learning and gaging current knowledge, providing teachers with a sound understanding of children’s starting points.
Children will be encouraged to ask questions; solve problems; discover new information; apply and consolidate their substantive and disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding through first-hand experience, investigations and practical work. Teachers will make use of the immediate and wider environment to help pupils apply their scientific knowledge skills and understanding to see the relevance of science to their own lives. They will set challenging work, tasks and problems to increase children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, to extend their thinking and build their self-confidence.
Teachers will assess children’s work in science through formative and summative judgements. At the end of each half term, children will complete an assessment quiz comprising of 10 key questions from the unit they have covered. This, alongside weekly feedback and observations, will form a judgement for a child’s attainment. Work will be marked in line with the school marking policy and children will receive feedback each week on their learning. Children will also be given time to reflect on their learning each lesson and will be asked to self-assess their understanding against the knowledge and skills they have been taught.
The science subject leader will support the teaching and learning of science by providing strategic leadership and direction; outlining the coherent sequencing of the curriculum through medium term plans; monitoring progress and standards across the school; reviewing and revising the science policy; monitoring; coaching and supporting teachers in the teaching of science; providing CPD, keeping staff up to date on new developments in science; monitoring the effectiveness of the planning and development of science; auditing; monitoring the effective and appropriate use of resources and obtaining new resources.