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Mrs Lenagan


Our PSHE programme promotes the spiritual, cultural, mental and physical development of all our pupils at The Gates Primary School, preparing them for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that they may come across throughout their lives. We have followed the Department of Education’s recommendations and used the PSHE Associations programme of study to develop a tailored curriculum that reflects the needs of our pupils in consultation with parents, staff and children. Relationships and sex education is taught as part of our PSHE curriculum.

We believe that children of all year groups should be enabled to develop knowledge and understanding, skills, and attitudes and values relating to growth and change, personal safety and relationships within the context of family life, thus equipping them for their lives now, through puberty, adolescence and adulthood. Emphasis is placed on the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of the child.

Documents that inform the school’s PSHE and Relationship and Sex Education Policy include:

• Education Act (1996)
• Learning and Skills Act (2000)
• Education and Inspections Act (2006)
• Equality Act (2010)

Supplementary Guidance for SRE for the 21st century (2014) Our school’s overarching intent for our pupils is to provide a Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme of study which ensures that all pupils are provided with opportunities to:

• grow with both an understanding and a respect for others. To recognise that they are unique in both physical appearance and character. To develop through sensitive teaching, skills that enable each child to realise that growth and change is an ongoing experience for everyone
• reflect on opportunities on values and influences (such as from peers, media, faith ad culture) that may shape their attitudes to relationships and sex, and nurtures respect for different views
• to develop each child’s sense of individual worth and self-respect and to emphasise that everyone has rights, responsibilities, and control over their own body.
• develop critical thinking and relationship skills; fostering gender equality and LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) equality and challenge all forms of discrimination in PSHE lessons and in everyday school life
• develop knowledge and understanding of the changes that happen to them as they are growing up, and to recognise puberty as a special time.
• learn about how to get treatment and help from sources such as the school nurse and other health and advice services including reliable information online (understanding reliable sources and distinguish between fact and opinion)
• draw upon knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the national curriculum for science - how a baby is conceived and born.
• discuss real-life issues appropriate to the age and stage of pupils, including friendships, families, consent, relationship abuse and safe relationships online.
• to gain accurate, balanced and relevant knowledge to enable them to appreciate what it means to be a positive, tolerant member of a diverse multicultural society.
• to develop skills, language and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling responsible and balanced lives.


The scheme of work has three core themes, the same for each key stage which builds upon previous learning. Due to having mixed year groups topics are taught on a two-year cycle. Each core theme is divided up into three topic areas:

Core Theme 1: Relationships

Topic areas:

• Families and friendships
• Safe relationships
• Respecting ourselves and others
• Core Theme 2: Living in the wider world

Topic areas:

• Belonging to a community
• Media literacy and digital resilience
• Money and work
• Core Theme 3: Health and Wellbeing

Topic areas:

• Physical health and Mental wellbeing
• Growing and changing
• Keeping safe
• Whilst PSHE is split into three separate core themes, there will always be extensive overlap. PSHE education addresses both pupils’ direct experience and preparation for their future. Therefore, we feel it is important to provide a spiral programme of knowledge, skills and attribute development, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended in age and key stage appropriate contexts. The content has been adapted and tailored to the specific needs of our school.

Content and Organisation

PSHE (which includes Sex and Relationships Education) will be taught weekly, through discrete lesson time and through other National Curriculum subjects, e.g. Science, RE, Literacy. It will be delivered by teachers and other relevant outside agencies e.g. School Nurse, Community Police (stranger danger). Correct terminology will be used in class to avoid confusion. For example, Key Stage 1 Science and PSHE lessons will include naming external parts of the body including sexual organs.

Our curriculum has whole school activities and events embedded throughout. We have themed weeks such as Kindness Week, whole school events, visiting speakers, home learning linked to PSHE and a variety of clubs on offer (e.g Mindfulness Club). A variety of teaching methods will be used including discussion, worksheet, stories, videos, and circle time activities. There is an opportunity to attend the Key Stage 2 residential trip where the focus is on developing pupil’s self-esteem, improving mental health, resilience, growth mindset, developing independence, leadership skills and positive teamwork.


Resources used will be appropriate to the maturity and understanding of children. Resources will be inclusive in terms of images, language, and learning styles and will avoid racism, sexism, gender, and transphobic stereotyping. We incorporate and respect and tolerance in social, moral, spiritual, and cultural issues, encouraging our children to think about their place and roles as citizens. We include the five British Values within all our teaching to establish a safe and effective school environment. Physical resources are stored in a shared cupboard in school. The school is a member of the PSHE Association, an excellent website which is endorsed by the DfE and includes curriculum guidance, lesson plans, resources, and CPD training and this is well used online resource.

Dealing with questions

The SRE aspect of the PSHE programme, children will be encouraged to ask questions, this could be using an ‘ask it’ basket anonymously or generally as part of a lesson. Some questions may need further consideration and as such do not need to be answered directly. Questions will be answered sensitively, honestly, and appropriate to the age and understanding of children, either in class, individually or referring to the child’s parent.


Teachers are aware that effective PSHE and RSE can raise many discussions and reflections. For instance, it brings an understanding of what is and what is not appropriate in a relationship for example and this can lead to a disclosure of a child protection issue. Visitors/external agencies which support the delivery of PSHE will be accompanied and any disclosures that may be made can be followed up by the trained staff in school. All staff will consult with the designated safeguarding lead or in their absence and this will be followed up in accordance with the Safeguarding Policy.

EYFS Teaching

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, PSHE is taught as an integral part of the topic/themed work covered during the year. It is related to the PSHE aspects of the children’s work to the areas of learning set out in the EYFS guidance to develop a child’s personal, emotional and social development. This is also supported through other areas of learning such as Understanding the World and Communication and Language. In particular, the Nursery staff place focus on ‘PSHE’ linked strands of the EYFS profile as it is a Prime Area of Learning. (For EYFS Ages and Stages see Appendix 1)

Teaching PSHE to children with SEND

All pupils, regardless of their needs must be part of PSHE & RSE lessons, as it is an important part of developing healthy relationships with their peers. We will respect pupils’ unique starting points by providing learning opportunities that are matched to the individual needs of all children, including those who are gifted and talented or have learning difficulties. When teaching PSHE we consider the targets set for the children in their Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), some of which may be directly related to PSHE targets. For gifted and talented pupils, we will provide additional opportunities to take responsibility, develop leadership skills, think creatively and use their talents for the good of the class or the wider community.

Equality and Diversity

At The Gates Primary School, PSHE education is accessible to every pupil. Teaching will take into account the ability, age, readiness, religious and cultural backgrounds of our young people and those with English as a second language to ensure that all can fully access our PSHE education provision, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.


Learning in PSHE will compliment learning in Computing, where the children will develop a sense of global citizenship by safe use of the internet. There is an e-safety policy for all pupils, which aims to develop a set of safe and discriminating behaviours for pupils to adopt when using the internet and other technologies. Through discussion of safety and other issues related to electronic communication, the children develop their own view about the use and misuse of ICT, and they also gain an insight into the interdependence of ICT users around the world. Children will also have the opportunity to discuss the reliability of content on the internet, have discussions around to identify potential risks of personal information being misused. They will learn a range of strategies for dealing with requests for personal information or images of themselves and learn how to report the misuse of personal information or sharing of upsetting content/ images online.


Assessment and Recording

We will assess the pupils; learning through valuing and recognising what pupils have done or completed successfully, thereby raising their self-esteem.

In PSHE there are two broad areas for assessment:

• Children's knowledge and understanding; for example, information on health, understanding of rules, understanding of health and safety procedures, and the meaning of ideas including democracy.
• How well children can use their knowledge and understanding in developing skills and attitudes; for example, through participating in discussions, group tasks and activities, managing conflict, making decisions and promoting positive relationships.
• Pupils’ work will be recorded and marked on SeeSaw in line with the school’s marking policy.

Working with parents

Parents will be informed by letter when SRE and puberty lessons will be taking placed in order to enable them to have further discussions with their child if they so wish. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from any sex education which does not form part of the National Curriculum and goes beyond the teaching of Science. However, relationships education is compulsory. Any parents who wish to do so should speak with the Headteacher to discuss any concerns so that any misunderstandings might be resolved before such a decision is taken.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The PSHE Leader is responsible for monitoring the standards of children’s work and the quality of teaching. They support colleagues in the teaching of PSHE, by giving them information about current developments in the subject.


The policy was written in the 2019/2020 academic year by the PSHE Leader, after consultation with parents and staff and has been approved by the governors. It is up to date with current guidance from the Government and DfE. This policy will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis, by the Governing Body, and up-dated where appropriate; however if a weakness is identified in school procedures, the policy will be reviewed and revised immediately.


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