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Mrs Jarrett and Mr Horsley


Mathematics is a universal language that enables understanding of the world, and is an integral part of our curriculum as it provides essential life skills. With this is mind, the purpose of Mathematics at The Gates Primary School is to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately.

All children are challenged and encouraged to excel in Maths and gain enjoyment through a growing self-confidence in their ability. Maths is planned for and embedded within the wider curriculum with a focus on applying skills in real life contexts. Reading links are evident through story-based learning in younger year groups and inference skills are applied and consolidated when solving worded problems.

New mathematical concepts are introduced using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach, enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allows them to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. This is supported through the use of engaging technology, which allows children to receive instant feedback, unpicking misconceptions at the point of learning. Arithmetic and basic math skills are practised daily to ensure key mathematical concepts are embedded and children can recall this information to see the links between topics in Maths.

Pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. In Early Years, we equip children with the basic skills needed to become confident and able mathematicians, with a solid understanding of number and shape space and measure. These skills are then built on throughout the school in a systematic, sequential way.


At The Gates, Maths is designed and delivered in a way that is accessible to all children, through an array of teaching strategies. Teachers deploy different strategies which best suit the individuals in their class, including SEND, disadvantaged, EAL and more able pupils, demonstrating understanding of the strengths and needs of their cohort, making appropriate adjustments where necessary.

Teachers follow The Gates’ curriculum overviews and planning guidance for mathematics, in line with the National Curriculum 2014 Programme of Study for Mathematics and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Framework, which also take influence from reputable mathematics bodies such as White Rose and NCETM. When planning, teachers utilise the curriculum overviews designed for each year group to ensure that coverage is maintained. Due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, gaps in learning have been identified through assessment analysis and, subsequently, this information is incorporated into planning. Emphasis is placed on the sequencing of objectives, which have been well-thought-through and intend to break down new learning into manageable segments. This ensures that all children achieve high standards and make appropriate progress towards end of year expectations. Teachers are aided by The Gates’ Knowledge and Skills Progression documents which scaffold the delivery of appropriate objectives to the correct year groups, in line with the National Curriculum 2014 Programme of Study for Mathematics.

Teacher’s follow a concrete, pictoral and abstract (CPA) approach to teaching mathematics, which helps children of all abilities consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding through practical work and visual stimulus. Teachers regularly revisit the fundamentals of mathematics through daily starters, some of which are selected through assessment for learning. This regular practice of key concepts helps children to secure their long-term recall of mathematical knowledge. Weekly recap lessons, as well as challenges, are assigned to enhance ‘sticky learning’. This provides children with the opportunity to revisit knowledge and practice skills covered previously. At The Gates, KS2 children use ‘Learning by Questions’ software frequently to help maximise progress rates. As well as engaging the children, this technology provides instant feedback which helps teachers identify those in need of support at the point of learning.

Teachers use the data to identify gaps in learning and create intervention groups for any children who have failed to meet the objective or have shown signs of misconceptions. Teachers will also assess children’s work in mathematics through formative and summative judgements. This is done by monitoring learners during lessons, observing pupils solving practical problems and listening to pupils’ discussions. Children are also given opportunities to mark their own work daily using immediate feedback on their individual tablets. All written work will be marked regularly and pupils will be given appropriate, clear feedback, either written or verbally, which tells them how well they have done and how they can improve. Pupils are almost always provided with immediate feedback, which is most useful in helping teachers to intervene at the point of learning. Regular arithmetic assessments (weekly in KS2) and termly assessments are used to provide a clear picture of pupils overall understanding. Teachers will formally assess children in line with the school’s Assessment Policy. This data is then used to identify under attaining children and create interventions to provide additional support. One way in which we do this is through peer mentoring, whereby we empower more able children to coach identified pupils in order to accelerate progress, whilst consolidating their own understanding.

Weekly arithmetic tests are sent home to parents/guardians to inform parents on current learning and enable them to support further at home. Maths working walls are an integral part of every classroom and act as a reference point for current and prior knowledge and skills. Visual models, such as bar models, are ever-present throughout our classrooms in order to support understanding of mathematical concepts. At The Gates, we place particular focus on mathematical vocabulary and teachers will display any relevant mathematical terms for reference at all times. Maths is constantly linked to real life situations within maths lessons and is planned across the wider curriculum. This helps children understand the relevance and significance of each objective on their everyday lives, currently and in the future. As part of the EYFS, Maths in Nursery is taught through play and high quality adult and child interactions. Individual children’s next steps are planned for through objective led planning. In Reception, Maths is taught discreetly, following the curriculum progression documents and links to WRM. Reception children are taught the basic fundamental mathematical skills that will be built upon in Key Stage 1 and 2.


This policy will ensure that all pupils will:

• Pupils are exposed to maths daily and understand the importance of maths on the world now and in the future.
• Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
• To be able to recall key knowledge and fundamentals of maths over time.
• To be able to apply their maths skills to efficiently solve problems which are relevant to real-life scenarios
• To be able to reason mathematically – justifying or proving methods using mathematical language and conducting mathematical enquiries.
• Become confident mathematicians a who are able to use a range of methods to solve mathematical problems.
• This policy should be read in correspondance with other key policies including; Teaching and Learning, Special Education Needs and Disability, Assessment, Record-keeping & Marking.


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